Harry potter chamber of secrets pc game map
Harry potter chamber of secrets pc game map

harry potter chamber of secrets pc game map

They play as Beaters on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

harry potter chamber of secrets pc game map

Fred and George Weasley: twins, older brothers of Ron and Ginny.In the PS2, GameCube and XBox versions, Harry also has to find Ginny's quill, brass scales and spellotape in Diagon Alley. Ginny Weasley: Ron's little sister, who Harry has to rescue at the end of the game.In the PC/MAC game, she also leads Harry to classes. She is petrified toward the end of the game. Hermione Granger: Harry's other best friend, a brainy girl who is rarely with Harry most of the game, except in cut scenes.

harry potter chamber of secrets pc game map

In the PC/MAC game, Ron usually leads Harry to challenges instead of classes. Ron Weasley: Harry's best friend, usually seen leading Harry to class or to the Quidditch stadium, or in cut scenes.Harry Potter: Main character and only playable character.Note: not all characters appear in all versions of the game. 4 Differences between the book/movie and game.

Harry potter chamber of secrets pc game map